Edelweiss German Restaurant is situated in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Edelweiss German Restaurant specializes in German cuisine. For the most up-to-date information, please contact the location directly at 719-633-2220.
34 E Ramona Ave
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80905
Cuisine: German
Website: www.edelweissrest.com
The details provided for this location, including address, menu items, prices, and hours of operation, may have changed. This site is intended for reference purposes only and does not constitute a contract obligating the owners and management to uphold the provided information. Prices, availability, offers, and other information on this page are subject to change, and the establishment will have the most current information. This is not an advertisement. While we strive to provide accurate information, errors may occur. Please note that hours of operation may also be affected by holidays, staff being out sick, or other unforeseen closures. Verify details directly with the establishment.